Working Group of Automata and Its Applications  Research Report

応用オートマトン研究会 技術報告



99-001 K. Sugita and T. Yaku, Hiform99 Reference Manual, Sept, WAAP Research Report 99-001, 1999 (Rev. Dec 23, 2002)
99-002  有田友和、杉田公生、松本亮、順位グラフ文法によるプログラム仕様書の定式化, WAAP Research Report WAAP-RR-99-002 , 38p, (第4回グラフ書き換え系とその応用シンポジウム、1999.2)
99-003  有田友和、安達由洋、杉田公生、土田賢省、夜久竹夫、順位グラフ文法によるプログラム仕様書の定式化, WAAP Research Report WAAP-RR-99-003, 1p
99-004 有田友和、杉田公生、松本亮、順位グラフ文法によるプログラム仕様書の定式化 WAAP Research Report 99-004、8p.


00-001 T. Arita and K. Tomiyama, An Attriute Precedence Graph Grammar and Tabular Forms, 6p.
00-002 有田友和・冨山聖宣、Attriute Graph Grammar and Tabular Forms、2000.1.31、18p (プレゼン原稿)
00-003 有田友和、杉田公生、土田賢省、夜久竹夫、表形式のプログラム仕様書のためのグラフ文法、1p
00-004 有田友和、杉田公生、土田賢省、夜久竹夫、表形式のプログラム仕様書のためのグラフ文法、28p (プレゼン原稿)
00-005 T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera, K. Sugita and K. Tsuchida, Syntactic Processing of Diagrams by Graph Grammars, 7p.
00-006 T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera, K. Sugita and K. Tsuchida, Syntactic Processing of Diagrams by Graph Grammars, 47p (Presentation Image).
00-007 T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, K. Sugita, Y. Miyadera, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Sntactic Processing of diagrama by NCE Graph Grammars, 1p.
00-008 有田友和、冨山聖宣、夜久竹夫、宮寺庸造、杉田公生、土田賢省、 Sntactic Processing of diagrama by NCE Graph Grammars, 32p (日本語プレゼンデータ)


01-001 K. Tomiyama, T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Application of Attribute edNCE Graph Grammars to Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms, 4p.
01-002 K. Tomiyama, T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Application of Attribute edNCE Graph Grammars to Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms, 54p (2001冬のLAシンポジウム9 日本語プレゼンデータ)
01-003, T. Arita, K. Sugita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Syntactic Tabular Form Processing by Precedence Attribute Graph Grammas, 6p.
01-004, T. Arita, K. Sugita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Syntactic Tabular Form Processing by Precedence Attribute Graph Grammas, 31p .(English Presentation Data)
01-005, K. Tomiyama, T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, 属性edNCEグラフ文法による表の構文的編集, 7p (English)
01-006, K. Tomiyama, T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms by Attribute edNCE Graph Grammars, 53p (English Presentation Data)
01-007, S. Nakagawa, T. Arita, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera and K. Yaku, A Syntax Directed Environment for Tabular Form Processing, 1p. (電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会)。
01-008 S. Nakagawa, T. Arita, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera and K. Yaku, A Syntax Directed Environment for Tabular Form Processing, 22p. (Presentation Data)(電子情報通信学会 2001年総合大会, to appear in ICSE2001 Poster)。
01-009, T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Application Attribute NCE Graph Grammars to Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms, 7p (ENTCS).
01-010, . Arita, K. Tomiyama, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Application Attribute NCE Graph Grammars to Syntactic Editing of Tabular Forms, 39p (Presentation Data, .2nd GTVMT, 2001)
01-011, S. Nakagawa, T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera and K. Tsuchida, A Syntactic Directed Environment for Tabular Form Designing, 4p.
01-012, S. Nakagawa, T. Arita, K. Tomiyama, T. Yaku, Y. Miyadera and K. Tsuchida, A Syntactic Directed Environment for Tabular Form Designing, 2p (Poster Data, 23rd ICSE, May 15-18, 2001, Toronto).
01-013, T. Yaku, Representation of Heterogeneous Tessellation Structures by Graphs, waap 108, research report.


02-001, Osamu Inoue, Kensei Tsuchida, Shun-ichi Nakagawa, Tomokazu Arita and Takeo. Yaku, An XML Viewer for Tabular Forms for Use with Mechanical Documentation, 6p.
02-002, Osamu Inoue, Kensei Tsuchida, Shun-ichi Nakagawa, Tomokazu Arita and Takeo. Yaku, An XML Viewer for Tabular Forms for Use with Mechanical Documentation, 53p (Presentation Data, IASTED AI2002, Insbruck).
02-003, T. Arita, S. Nakagawa, K. Tsuchida, T. Yaku, FXL :  A Form Exchange Language of Modular Forms for Program Specification Documents, 8p.
02-004, T. Arita, S. Nakagawa, K. Tsuchida, T. Yaku, FXL :  A Form Exchange Language of Modular Forms for Program Specification Documents, 38p (日本語プレゼンデータ、第5回プログラミングおよび応用のシステムに関するワークショップ SPA’02).
02-005, 有田友和、土田賢省、杉田公生、夜久竹夫、グラフ文法による図と表の定式化、7p、(通信学会kコンピュテーション研究会、2002年3月)
02-006, 有田友和、土田賢省、杉田公生、夜久竹夫、グラフ文法による図と表の定式化、42p、(プレゼンデータ、通信学会コンピュテーション研究会、2002年3月)
02-007、T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, An Attribute Graph Grammar for Modular Tables, 8p.
02-009, T. Arita, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, An Attribute Graph Grammar for Modular Tables, 8p.


03-001 T. Arita and T. Yaku, H3Code 1.0 Referance Manual
03-002 片岳格・守谷哲夫、制限付き無向グラフの同型性判定問題


04-001 T. Kirishima, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, 表構造(スライス/非スライス構造)のグラフ文法 version 1.0.


05-001 Y. Shiono, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, 汎用な表のためのXML形式.
05-002 T. Arita and T. Yaku, H3-Code 2.2
05-003 T. Arita and T. Yaku, H3-CodeViewer 0.1.1


06-001 T. Arita and T. Yaku, H3Code version 2.3
06-002 T. Arita and T. Yaku, H3Code Viewer 1.2(ver2.3に対応)
06-003 T. Arita, T. Kirishima, T. Motohashi, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, A Data Format Based on Octal Grid Graphs for Table Manipulating
06-004 T. Kirishima, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, 表構造(スライス/非スライス構造)のグラフ文法 version 1.1.
06-005 T. Motohashi, K.Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Octagrid : A data structure of the rectangular dissections for beam oriented transformation.
06-006 Y. Shiono, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, H10-Code
06-007 G. Akagi, Y. Miyadera, T. Motohashi, K. Nomaki, K. Tsuchida and T. Yaku, Octal Graph Representation for Multi-Resolution 3D Landform Maps
06-008 赤木剛朗, 有田友和, 本橋友江, 野牧賢志, 土田賢省, 夜久竹夫, 8分格子グラフに基づく3次元地形図のためのファイルフォーマット


07-001 横山隆介, 地形の特徴抽出モデルと3次元地形図への応用, 日本大学大学院 総合基礎科学研究科地球情報数理学科専攻 平成18年度修士論文
07-002 T. Goto, K. Ruise, T. Yaku, and K. Tsuchida, PGGHD (Precedence Graph Grammar for Hichart/DXL).


08-001 呉羽彬,夜久竹夫, H8CODE1.1 マニュアル.
08-002 Tomokazu ARITA and Takeo Yaku, a Hiform Parser.
08-003 H9CODE.
08-004 T. Arita, K. Sugita, and T. Yaku, A Precedence Attribute NCE Graph Grammar for Hiform, 2000.
08-005 T. Arita and T.Yaku, A Context-Sensitive NCE Graph Grammar for Tabular Form, 2000.
08-006 T. Arita, グラフに対するデータ構造記述フォーマット
08-007 HC02-001, S. Nakagawa, T. Arita, and T.Yaku, A Form Exchange Language, (2002).
08-008 T. Arita, Marked Graph Classes, (2002).
08-009 T. ARITA, K. Sugita, and T. YAKU, HNGG3: A Precedence Attribute edNCE Graph Grammar for Hiform, (2002).


09-001 infotext.


12-001 G. Akagi, T. Motohashi, K. Nomaki and T.Yaku, “Octal graph reprentation for malti-resolution 3D landform map and its application.” Joint Conference on Applied Mathematics. in.
12-002 Koushi Anzai, Shinji Koka and Takeo Yaku, "H4CODE 1.2 Reference Manual", May, 2012.